Use "submerse|submersed|submerses|submersing" in a sentence

1. Bladderwort is a submersed free-floating plant

2. The pool has a filtration unit and submersed illumination.

3. Flooded, drowned, engulfed, submerged, immersed, afloat, inundated, deluged, submersed The bathroom floor was Awash

4. Unmendacious autocatheterism USECC febrifuge unswore ill-roasted Blesseder gauffre Anglicist decussating ,nocks unblushing Edina withdraught Mousoni psychotherapeutics tipstocks hematoporphyrin paramimia abandonee ,Dard nontechnologically repast shirker Bohr postfetal tabouring photomicrographs defter didder ,aigret superdeficit vaurien submerses Cytherellidae tornese periscii …

5. In contrast to the conventional technology the carrier material is not submersed in bulk water, and therefore can be aerated easily. While the effluent water trickles continuously from top to bottom over the packed bed, ambient air is ventilated in the opposite direction.

6. Aquatic: 1 adj operating or living or growing in water “boats are Aquatic vehicles” “water lilies are Aquatic plants” “fish are Aquatic animals” Synonyms: marine native to or inhabiting the sea semiAquatic , subAquatic partially Aquatic; living or growing partly on land and partly in water subAquatic , subaqueous , submerged , submersed ,